If knew what model I could post manuals / circuits to help.
It's all controlled by the ECU so you need to check power to the ecu, this is fed via ECU and EFI fuses. A good indication is to link E1 and TE1 in the diagnostic connector and check the engine light flashes. (see gow-to guides -> check error codes from this site front page). Also confirm you have connected the ECU earth eyelet under the inlet manifold.
The triggers for spark and injection come from the distributer base - a 4 pin plug. These are NE (like crank sensor) and G1 and G2 (cam sensor). A problem with these will flag a fault code.
The ECU then triggers spark with the IGT signal to the igniter which drives the coil. There is an IGF confirmation from the igniter back to the ECU which raises a fault code if missing.
I think the RPM meter is also driven from the igniter.
If at first you don't suck seed, try drier grain.